Tuesday, January 6, 2009

About Us

We are a bunch of youths called Group Uriah. We are a part of the youth
of Petra Gospel Centre. We are named after a David's mighty man, Uriah.
Our group colours are red and yellow.

We have activities every Saturday and Sunday at 2.30PM and 11.30AM
respectively. On Saturdays, we do a variety of things which
includes workshops, games and sketches. On Sundays, we have Sunday
Discipleship Class where our youths are divided into different classes to study
the Bible.

We are a part of a brethren church called Petra Gospel Centre, which is
located at Taman Kencana, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

We hope to reach out to more youths through our
programs. For more information about our activities, our church
and God - feel free to check out the links at the sidebar,
scroll through our blog or click on the tabs under
the header.

If you are interested to join us, do come!
We provide transport.

Also, please drop by our chatbox and leave a comment!

Ooo, Arrr, Oooo, Arrr, URIAH!

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