Group Uriah is a very special group that often comes out with fresh and dynamic new ideas just to cater to our cadets. Our ultimate goal this year is to bond well with each other and with God. Now, we hereby give you chances to maximize your skills, show your talents, and ignite your fire. Here are some of the badges that you can win, either by doing something or by attending some programs. Yes it’s that easy! Different kind of badges require different kind of commitment and interests, and in total there are 23 badges to be redeemed throughout the whole year.
Let’s see how many you can get!
This is especially for all the SongFest 7 participants. Either you are a singer, a musician or even a conductor; you’ll get this badge as a recognition from us.
You can get this badge when you join us for the Olympics event in February. Once you’ve missed it, you’ll never have another chance again. Grab it while you can!
Youth campers
Once you’ve joined us for the PYP youth camp in June, you’ll have this badge to show that you’ve experienced the whole camp with us, sharing and creating some precious moments with all your brothers and sisters in Christ.
Fishers of Men
Jesus called us to be fishers of men and to make disciples of all nations. You’ll be awarded when you bring many of your friends or family to church. 5 friends per badge, and yes, if you bring more than 10 friends, you’ll get 2 - like Jian Zhou! Not an easy to badge to get.
This badge will be yours to keep if you join us for the swimming day, and be one of the two fastest swimmers. Only 2 badges are available for each gender.
Elite Frontliners
Get at least 5 A’s in any exam in school and you will be eligible for this badge.
Blog Sketcher
A token of appreciation to those who are highly committed in running and editing the group blog daily. You may have a chance to get one.
Especially for all of those who will join Petra Can Wok. A badge that shows your presence and experience with us.
The Eye
A badge where we will all get together if we win The Apprentice. We won’t get it even if we get 2nd place. So, let’s work together! Even the commander is fighting for it. A badge that will foster our unity and strengthen our fighting spirit.
Gem of Perseverance
One of the hardest badge that we offer. Fight for it by representing us as a marathon runner in the Olympics. Just finish the race and the badge will be on your arm the next day.
Community Servants
If you’ve joined us for the PYP Carnival as one of the serving committees then you’ll be proudly awarded this badge.
Only for those who are willing to drive the members home or even for those who’ve taken up driving as a skill.
The tongue is the most powerful tool for Christians to share and to spread the good news around. If you want this badge, good! Join us in one of the 3 song items that we’re going to present this whole year. 3 chances, don’t even miss it.
Stone of Burning Fire
Get this fire by attending our Saturday youth programs for 25 times IN A ROW! Not an easy task but yet not too hard also. A badge that you can show to the whole church of the feat that you’ve achieved!
A highly recognised badge that is approved by the higher authority to show that you’ve passed the SDC examinations.
Makeover is one of the biggest projects in PYP. Join us on this meaningful day and be part of us. Then only can you collect this badge. Don’t be left out!
When you’ve joined both the C.S.I and Show Your Colours will you get one.
Assisting in running the group’s notice board for 2 months is the only way for you to have this badge. Easy.
Act Art
Acting on a stage is one of the very much anticipated programs that Petra Youth has to offer. Involving yourself in one of the sketches that Group Uriah is going to present this year will earn you this badge of honour. ‘The Sheep’, ‘The Answer’, and ‘The Parable of the Ten Virgins’ - out of these 3 sketches, one will do.
For those who knows more than one musical instrument. The criteria are: to serve the Lord as a musician either on Saturday or Sunday. Remember, 2 instruments, one at a time.
Knowledge Seekers
Only for the Bible Quiz Panelists. This is a special honour for those 3 people who’ve represented Group Uriah and have sat for the beginner, intermediate and expert level.
Group Uriah is going to organize 4 big events this year: FOODball day, FruitFeast, BiBiQue and T.G.I Saturday. Get yourself involved and active in at least 3 events and then you can consider yourself qualified for this badge.
Race in all 3 Amazing Races – the Beginning, AR-2, and the Finale. Not an easy badge to get.
Remember, in everything you do, do it as an offering to God alone. Your treasure in heaven will certainly be added up if you do it silently. For God loves a cheerful giver and a silent worker. Remember too that any of the badges awarded to you are a reminder of God's grace. Without God's grace, no one can achieve even a single badge! These badges are just for the fun after all. In the end, we just want to see more of you.
Christmas Musical Drama 2011
13 years ago
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