1. Each group 5-10 people (guys or girls).
2. Complete collectively at least 30 sets or more of physical challenge in one hour.
3. Each set consists of
- right hand up punch x 10 (with 5 kg weight)
- left hand up punch x 10 (with 5 kg weight)
- right hand front swing x 10 (with 5 kg weight)
- left hand front swing x 10 (with 5 kg weight)
- 20 burpees.
4. While one person is doing the set, everyone else must be running in a circle.
5. The above must be done continuously without breaking or stopping. If stop more than 5 seconds, the set doesn't count and have to start from 0 again.
6. Sets are to be done one by one.

1. Given a block of plasticine and a pail of water.
2. Come up with a design that can float.
3. Device will be tested to see how many glass beads it can hold before it sinks.
4. Group that builds the device that can hold the most glass beads at the end wins.

1. Required to answer questions that are flashed on the screen.
2. Given paper and pen/pencil to write their answers.
3. After flashing the questions and when the question has been read, the quiz-master will say "GO" and all groups have 10 seconds to come up and present their answers.
4. If answered correctly, you will be given the opportunity to roll a dice. The result will either give you more points, have no effect or a small chance of minus points.
5. If answered wrongly, must roll dice on a different chart. The result will either minus points, or no effect. Some minus points result allow you to do something instead of deducting your marks.
6. The highest score wins.
Remember my dear ones, bring extra clothes as all of us might get dirty.
So what are you waiting for?
Start inviting your friends!
Don't ever miss it! It's so very AMAZING!!!
Aa, Rr! Aa, Rr! Aa, Rr!
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